Dr. Pham Hung Hiep, Director of the Institute for Educational Research and Knowledge Transfer (REK Institute) at Chengdu University, and M.A. Luong Dinh Hai, a researcher at the REK Institute, held a training session on applying bibliometric analysis methods to build and manage strategies and identify research gaps. This took place within the framework of the workshop “Promoting Bibliometric Analysis and Research Metrics: Strategic Impact Directions, University Rankings, and Successful Researchers”, organized by the Vietnam-Germany University on December 20, 2024.
In the trend of internationalizing higher education, universities in Vietnam and around the world have been enhancing their competitiveness in various aspects. The most important issues include the quality of academic research, university rankings, and the effectiveness of management. To address and monitor these issues, managers and researchers need various methods and tools to support their efforts. Bibliometric analysis has emerged as an effective method to help managers build and manage strategies and assist scientists in identifying research gaps.
Bibliometric analysis is a statistical method used to describe scientific documents in order to evaluate the “output” of researchers/research groups, educational institutions, and countries. It also helps identify domestic and international collaboration networks and track the development of new scientific and technological fields (as defined by the OECD).
At the workshop held on December 20, organized by the Vietnam-Germany University in Binh Duong, Dr. Pham Hung Hiep and M.A. Luong Dinh Hai shared the applications of bibliometric analysis in the practical development and management of research strategies in higher education institutions. In their presentation, Dr. Hiep and M.A. Hai described the process of building and managing strategies through bibliometric analysis at three different levels: 1) comparison with international universities, 2) comparison with domestic universities, and 3) comparison of units/departments within the higher education institution. The data helps managers position a unit within the broader picture, as well as identify research strengths and potential research areas.
Dr. Hiep and M.A. Hai also shared with the participants, including about 70 librarians and academic management staff from higher education institutions in the southern region, the research results published by the REK Institute and its colleagues. They demonstrated how bibliometric analysis was applied to conduct comprehensive studies, identifying research gaps. The presentation offered insightful and practical perspectives, emphasizing the role of bibliometric analysis in shaping and promoting innovation within the higher education system.